How To Create A Re-marketing Campaign

So you have a nice product, and you have a great marketing team that has created awesome documentation. Your website is modern and creative and following every SEO rule.

You’ve started a B2B lead generation campaign. Your team is making cold calls and mass mailing, and traffic is being channeled to your landing page.

Still, conversion rates are far from your expectations, and lead traffic is not yet acceptable. You are in a dilemma of how to increase your conversions. You are likely to improve the messages, create few testing pages, and maybe change the main title or the image.

But you can also run a re-marketing campaign.

You want your landing page or website visitors, to pay you another visit. There is a good chance that in the second or the third visit, your visitor will fill up the form and become a lead.

It is actually easy and inexpensive to call your visitor to pay you another visit. Google Adwords provide you with a simple platform to generate your re-marketing campaign.

You can create your re-marketing campaign in two simple steps.

Step one – Prepare The Ads

Create your re-marketing ads. You can choose between simple Jpeg ads or you can prepare Gif animated files. For us, the JPEG fixed ads are actually working better, probably since you can present more information since the ad is not revolving.

Go to Google Advertising for a complete guide.

When preparing your ads you can choose between few strategy alternatives. It is highly recommended in any strategy you choose, to create a dedicated video, or channel to an existing video. Your visitors have read enough marketing documentation today, they want to see a short, well-formulated video.

1. Simple and straight forward messages repeating the same ideas on your landing page.

2. Offer additional incentives for the visitors who left the page; incentives such as extended warranty, free trial or a better price tag.

3. Offer fresh, quality content such as a new video or a new post in your blog. Fresh Content is likely to work the best.

Step two – Run The Campaign

Goggle is able to keep the electronic details of your visitor for 18 months, so you may want to consider to refresh your campaign and change messages every 3-4 weeks.

While changing your messages you can track the performance of each campaign and invest in a strategy that work best for you, if it’s fresh content, or business incentives, or just a simple reminder of product proposition.

If you run a re-marketing campaign you have a good chance to have your visitor paying you another visit few months later, when the timing is right for him, or when one of your ads, was covering his pain, and now, few months later, he will submit his details, and ask to discuss business with you.

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